Quantum scattering in NO2 (pt II)

Quantum scattering in NO2 (pt II)

Another brief glimpse at some recent work – scattering calculations for NO2 (pt II – see pt I here)…

no2 orb 12 ionization


(top) the molecular-frame photoelectron flux for light-matter interaction for various photon energies (hence various electron energies) for linearly polarized light aligned to the plane of the molecule.

(middle & bottom) the magnitudes & phases of the various partial wave components which make up the continuum electron wavefunction.  There is a lot of information here!

This is just a snippet from an ongoing effort to explore quantum coherence in molecular ionization.

Quantum scattering in NO2

Quantum scattering in NO2

A brief glimpse at some recent work – scattering calculations for NO2.  The figure shows the molecular-frame photoelectron flux for light-matter interaction of various geometries (linearly polarized light), hence scattering into different continua.  The inset shows the ionizing orbital and molecular geometry.

This is just a snippet from an ongoing effort to explore quantum coherence in molecular ionization.

Wigner delays in molecular ionization

Wigner delays in molecular ionization

A snippet from some theory work in progress on time delays in molecular photoionization. The image below shows the energy and angle-resolved cross-section (surface topography) and Wigner delay (colour map) over a 40 eV range for CO. Unsurprisingly, for a molecular scatterer (albeit a simple heteronuclear diatomic) the map is quite complicated! Here the delays range from -200 to +200 attoseconds, and peak at the Carbon end of the molecule.

Wigner delays in CO

More on this soon… the paper is almost ready…


UPDATE Dec. 2015

Now on the arXiv:

Time Delay in Molecular Photoionization

P. Hockett, E. Frumker, D.M. Villeneuve, P.B. Corkum

arXiv 1512.03788, 2015