Angle-resolved RABBIT: new work and presentation

Angle-resolved RABBIT: new work and presentation

The above image shows simulated velocity map images (left, middle) and angle and time-resolved measurements (right) for angle-resolved RABBIT measurements. In this type of measurement, XUV and IR pulses are combined, and create a set of 1 and 2-photon bands in the photoelectron spectrum. The presence of multiple interfering pathways to each final photoelectron band (energy) results in complex and information rich interferograms, with both angle and time-dependence.

A manuscript detailing this work is currently in preparation, and a recent presentation detailing some aspects of the work can be found on Figshare.

Update 24th March – new manuscript, Angle-resolved RABBIT: theory and numerics, pre-print available.

Reading today…

Reading today…

First On-Sky Fringes with an Up-Conversion Interferometer Tested on a Telescope Array

P. Darré, R. Baudoin, J.-T. Gomes, N. J. Scott, L. Delage, L. Grossard, J. Sturmann, C. Farrington, F. Reynaud, and T. A. Ten Brummelaar
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 233902 – Published 29 November 2016


The Astronomical Light Optical Hybrid Analysis project investigates the combined use of a telescope array interferometer and nonlinear optics to propose a new generation of instruments dedicated to high-resolution imaging for infrared astronomy. The nonlinear process of optical frequency conversion transfers the astronomical light to a shorter wavelength domain. Here, we report on the first fringes obtained on the sky with the prototype operated at 1.55μm in the astronomical H band and implemented on the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy telescope array. This seminal result allows us to foresee a future extension to the challenging midinfrared spectral domain.

This is quite interesting as an application of photon up-conversion at low-light levels – in this case for interferometric IR telescope arrays.  The demo in the paper doesn’t show any improvement on the existing configuration (i.e. no non-linear optical step), but in principle could: once one factors in not just lossy detection in the IR, but also lossy beam transport (in the conceptually similar VLTI system it’s about 10% efficient).

The header image shows fig. 1 from the paper.

Nonclassical correlations publications round-up

Nonclassical correlations publications round-up

New papers at Optics Letters & on the arxiv, looking at various aspects of nonclassical correlations in light-matter interactions:

Nonclassical correlations between terahertz bandwidth photons mediated by rotational quanta in hydrogen molecules 

Spotlight on Optics March 2015

Philip J. Bustard, Jennifer Erskine, Duncan G. England, Josh Nunn, Paul Hockett, Rune Lausten, Michael Spanner, and Benjamin J. Sussman

Optics Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 6, pp. 922-925 (2015)


Maximum information photoelectron metrology

P. Hockett, C. Lux, M. Wollenhaupt, T. Baumert

arXiv:1503.08308 (2015)

(Update – now published in PRA.)


Complete Photoionization Experiments via Ultrafast Coherent Control with Polarization Multiplexing II: Numerics & Analysis Methodologies

P. Hockett, M. Wollenhaupt, C. Lux, T. Baumert

arXiv:1503.08247 (2015)

(Update – now published in PRA.)