Photoelectron Angular Distributions Seminar Series #1: Very brief intro to scattering theory from on Vimeo.
Phase-sensitive Photoelectron Metrology (DAMOP 2017) video
Phase-sensitive Photoelectron Metrology (presentation at DAMOP 2017)
Slides for Paul’s DAMOP talk are now available on figshare (DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.5049142).
Photoionization is an interferometric process, in which multiple paths can contribute to the final continuum photoelectron state. At the simplest level, interferences between different final angular momentum states are manifest in the energy and angle resolved photoelectron spectra: metrology schemes making use of these interferograms are thus phase-sensitive, and provide a powerful route to detailed understanding of photoionization [1]. At a more complex level, such measurements can also provide a powerful probe for other processes of interest, for example: (a) dynamical process in time-resolved measurements, such as rotational, vibrational and electronic wavepackets, and (b) in order to understand and develop control schemes [1]. In this talk recent work in this vein will be discussed, touching on “complete” photoionization studies of atoms and molecules with shaped laser pulses [1,2] and XUV [3], metrology schemes using Angle-Resolved RABBIT, and molecular photoionization dynamics in the time-domain (Wigner delays) [4].
[1] Hockett, P. et. al. (2015). Phys. Rev. A, 92, 13412. [2] Hockett, P. et. al. (2014). Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 223001. [3] Marceau, C. et. al. (2017). Submitted. DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4480349. [4] Hockett, P. et. al. (2016). J. Phys B, 49, 95602.
Update 29th June 2017 – a video of the talk is now also available.
Phase-sensitive Photoelectron Metrology – Dr. P. Hockett, presentation at DAMOP 2017 from on Vimeo.
Presentations archive: ultrafast light-matter interactions
New presentations archive on Figshare
A perennial issue with research – it is usually impractical to publish everything. This could be viewed as a good thing, if one assumes that the outcome is that only the cream of research is published and makes it to the wider world. However, more often it’s absolutely not a good thing, but the result of a range of factors which impede research – for instance, there is too much material to include in formal journal articles, the work is finished but never written up formally, the work is shelved, the work becomes background for other work but remains unpublished, the work gets lost in publication or multi-author limbo… etc. etc.
These days, there’s no excuse: a range of platforms exist for sharing work at any stage of completion, from project plans to completed manuscripts, from data to code, from brief notes to full dissertations. Figshare is one useful platform, since it provides a DOI for all public material, enabling any materials uploaded to be catalogued and cited in the usual way.
In this spirit, we’ve just uploaded some old presentations, in the area of ultrafast light-matter interactions, and this collection will continue to grow. Enjoy!