Angle-resolved RABBIT: theory and numerics

Angle-resolved RABBIT: theory and numerics

Update 28/06/17 – Now published in J. Phys. B, special issue on Correlations in Light-Matter Interactions.

New manuscript:

Angle-resolved RABBIT: theory and numerics

P. Hockett

Angle-resolved (AR) RABBIT measurements offer a high information content measurement scheme, due to the presence of multiple, interfering, ionization channels combined with a phase-sensitive observable in the form of angle and time-resolved photoelectron interferograms. In order to explore the characteristics and potentials of AR-RABBIT, a perturbative 2-photon model is developed; based on this model, example AR-RABBIT results are computed for model and real systems, for a range of RABBIT schemes. These results indicate some of the phenomena to be expected in AR-RABBIT measurements, and suggest various applications of the technique in photoionization metrology.

Paul Hockett 2017 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 50 154002

Pre-print available via Authorea, DOI: 10.22541/au.149037518.89916908.

arXiv 1703.08586 (2017) 

See also the recent AR-RABBIT presentation for a brief intro to this topic.

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