Coherent quantum control & metrology

Coherent quantum control & metrology

UPDATE March 2016 – The article has been chosen for the JPB Highlights of 2015 selection, which features articles selected for their “outstanding quality and impact within the field”. The articles in the collection will be open access for the year.

Our recent paper on coherent control & quantum metrology is now published in J. Phys. B:

Coherent control of photoelectron wavepacket angular interferograms
P Hockett, M Wollenhaupt and T Baumert
J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 48 (2015) 214004.
doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/48/21/214004

Coherent control over photoelectron wavepackets, via the use of polarization-shaped laser pulses, can be understood as a time and polarization-multiplexed process, where the final (time-integrated) observable coherently samples all instantaneous states of the light–matter interaction. In this work, we investigate this multiplexing via computation of the observable photoelectron angular interferograms resulting from multi-photon atomic ionization with polarization-shaped laser pulses. We consider the polarization sensitivity of both the instantaneous and cumulative continuum wavefunction; the nature of the coherent control over the resultant photoelectron interferogram is thus explored in detail. Based on this understanding, the use of coherent control with polarization-shaped pulses as a methodology for a highly multiplexed coherent quantum metrology is also investigated, and defined in terms of the information content of the observable.

The work is part of the special issue on Coherence and Control in the Quantum World.

The manuscript is also available on the arxiv.

UPDATE Nov. 2015 – Chosen for the cover of the 14th November 2015 print edition.

JPB cover

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